Past Food Projects
Farm-to-Table Fundraiser
Thank you to those were were able to help celebrate the harvest in 2017 and 2018 at our Farm to Table Fundraisers hosted on the picturesque certified organic Squamish Valley Hop Company Farm.
We loved every minute of these events, but in particular the experience of a multi course, al fresco long table dinner featuring local, seasonal ingredients from farms and food producers in the Sea to Sky and Pacific Northwest.
While we do not have plans for another one, please keep posted on other engaging food events that celebrate the harvest and improve our food system.
About the event:
Experience an al fresco nine-course, farm to table dinner experience located at a charming hops and honey farm. Using local, seasonal ingredients from farms in the Sea to Sky and Pacific Northwest, this family-style long-table dinner showcases the talents of Chef John Ferris and team of The Collective Kitchen. Celebrate our local food producers and support Squamish Climate Action Network’s work towards strengthening our local food system, reducing energy consumption, achieving zero waste, and building community.
Thank you to all of our community sponsors who helped contribute to making this event an success.

Squamish Fruit Tree Project
Squamish CAN is no longer running the Fruit Tree Project, but we have partnered with SOLscapes to offer this service. Homeowners can now hire SOLscapes to coordinate a group of volunteers to pick their fruit! SOLscapes also offers fruit tree pruning to reduce or maximize fruit yield.
We also started a Facebook group called Squamish Food Swap and Share. Please post about surplus fruit and picking opportunities there!
What is the Squamish Fruit Tree Project?
The Squamish Fruit Tree Project ran from 2008 to 2015 and was an initiative from Squamish CAN and WildSafe BC. The goal of the program was to reduce the amount of fruit available to bears and increase the amount of fruit available to those in need within the community.

Residents and homeowners are responsible for managing their fruit trees under the Squamish Wildlife Attractant Bylaw Nr. 2053 (2009). Domestic fruit is not a natural food source for bears and is the number two attractant that brings bears into our community.
To report wildlife, please call the Conservation Officer, 24 h hotline: 1-877-952-727
For more information on human-wildlife conflicts, visit www.wildsafebc.com, www.bearaware.bc.ca or contact Squamish WildSafe BC Community Coordinator: Phone: 604-815-5066 or Email: Squamish@wildsafebc.com