Who we are
Squamish CAN is a registered non-for-profit organization. As a community action group we operate a variety of environmental projects since 2009 in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada.
Squamish CAN's mission is to empower our community with just and actionable solutions to the climate crisis through education, policy development and systems change.
In the fall of 2021, Squamish CAN embarked on an update of its strategic plan. Our Board of Directors and Staff took a deep dive to re-establish our mission, vision, values and develop a five-year strategic plan. We are thankful to have had the leadership, knowledge and patience of Meg Reynolds, who helped us with this accomplishment. We would also like to thank you, our supporters for completing the member survey. This was instrumental in understanding the communities needs, perspectives of Squamish CAN currently and where there is room for growth. We continue to welcome feedback anytime. Thank you for joining us in our journey as we adapt to the complexities of a changing world.
View the updated 2022-2027 Strategic Plan here.
Strategic Priorities:
Develop sustainable and inclusive food systems
Achieve zero waste
Support sustainable energy and active transportation
Grow organizational capacity
Our Mission
Squamish CAN strives to empower our community with just and actionable solutions to the climate crisis through education, policy development and systems change.
Our Vision
We envision a place-based community that has achieved a just transition to a circular economy and thriving living systems.
Our Values
Get in touch:
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Monthly Newsletter
P.O. Box 3152 Garibaldi Highlands, BC
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Strategic Priorities and Contacts for Sub Committees
Strategic Priority:
Develop sustainable and inclusive food systems
Advance sustainable food systems through a thriving local food culture, diverse food assets, and accessible and abundant foodlands.
Squamish Food Policy Council
Don Ross Middle School Garden
Mamquam Edible Schoolyard (MESY)
Mamquam Greenhouse
Valleycliffe Edible Garden (VEG)
Downtown Squamish School Farm
Seed Library & Seedy Sunday
CAN Grow Community Gardens
Strategic Priority:
Achieve zero waste
Foster a circular economy through community adoption of the 5R heirarchy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Residual Management) and collaborative zero-waste initiatives.
Zero Waste Action Team
Strategic Priority:
Reduce community energy consumption and dependency on fossil fuels
Empower community members with information and tools regarding low carbon transportation, energy consumption, and carbon footprints.
Energy & Transportation Committee